Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Your world is a precious jewel that needs to be cherished. Your species (humans) are a crucial part of many other species (your DNA is key in many ways). You are a very important piece to this giant puzzle within existence. Remember this, your world is pressed down by the few who are in 'control'. Not in control of YOU but in the system that effects you. When you wake up in the morning you have a choice, don't you? You can either eat a donut or you can juice fresh fruits and veggies for breakfast. You work for a job that you dislike but pays the bills. When you come home from work you grab a beer/junk food, sit and watch TV. Or do you spend quality time learning how to build a better income doing something you like. When you are low on money but have credit cards and you find yourself at the mall. Do you buy things on credit knowing that you shouldn't? Or do you not? These few examples are all gimmicks that causes the system to effect you. You have a choice. You can either continue feeing the system and lose control of your 'free will' or you acknowledge the fact that your choices have been unknowingly directed towards feeding the system, therefor you can now stop 'feeding the system' and make choices that nourishes 'you'. The system will always 'be'. It may change in colors, shapes and sizes but 'it' will never due to the fantasy of power. Only 'you' can change. Your energy is more important then anything. Earths vibrations is simple.. it is you.. bonded with you (humans). It has taken trials and errors and many life times of brining and putting many different life forms on this world for this beautiful moment today.. so acknowledge that. You have everything that you need to evolve. Appreciate and enjoy the incredible things that have been accomplished thus far (together as one) the ego travels deeper then just (you). It can effect cities, states, countries, worlds, etc.. that's how massive 'it' is. Don't live the life of blame for this the perfect 'time'. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Fall is one of my favourite seasons along with spring because it's just the perfect weather to be outside and everything else is just better vibes na sayen. Yesterday Ken and I visited downtown to hang out and it was fun :) We took lots of nice and fun pictures (he took most of them lol) and strolled around popping into little stores had ice-cream and went for ramen at our favourite ramen place Ajisen :)


For some reason I've been drawn to stones and gems so I was on a hunt to grab some while I was downtown. I popped in a random little shop on Queen St and was able to grab these two little stones. I grabbed a Rose Quartz and a Hermatite. Took some pictures of them and played around with some lights and different settings :) Here's to my journey in collection stones, gems and crystals!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

It's been a while

I find it odd how during this time of the year is when I realize that I have a blog that I have abandoned for months/years.. I keep telling myself that I'm back but really I haven't been back at all since my last post which was a year ago. But I've started to have the feels to blog again so here I am.
I was looking back at my old posts + pictures on here and my Tumblr and it was nice to look back on so I'm going to start taking more pictures and posting them on here for keepsake to look back on again. 

Here are some pictures from September:

Dat booty tho

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Friday, October 17, 2014

7 months later

I totally forgot all about Blogspot but for some reason, something made me remember it.
I've been reading through my old posts and it made me realize so many things.. good bad happy sad. How far I have come and what I've been through. Others may not see it or understand it but that's not what matters. Anyways, I'm gonna start blogging again :)

I had some time before work today and since Halloween is around the corner I decided to paint my face and do a Day Of The Dead makeup!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I think too hard and over analyze everything and as a result I create problems in my head that don't even exist. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

prettiest of views

I wish I could put all my thoughts in a jar. I think too much. Thinking too much causes me to over think and analyze things I don't want to deal with. It gets too much for me to handle and I panic. I shut myself down and go to war with myself. I'm tired and I'm sick of being tired. I don't like how I'am sometimes and I want things to just get better. But for now I just have to live with it. I want to be at peace with myself for once and to be happy and think about things that don't send me over the edge.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I'm finally 21! Feels so odd. I don't feel 21 at alllllll. Time is going by way too fast. I really don't want to get any older. The older I get, the more responsibilities and along with that comes with more stress. Anyways, I had mention to Ken that I do not want a gift for my birthday but instead I wanted his beautiful homemade cards that he makes me here and there. But obviously, I don't think anyone would really go upon that request, especially if it's your girlfriends birthday. But it was worth a shot. I had lost my camera that he had gifted me for one of our monthsary but I had lost it at a club (I still feel very bad til' this day). Thank you hunny. You are too kind :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I don't know.. I guess I've been through alot this year. You'd think I'd learn by now to not worry about the small stuffs, because in the end, they don't add up to much. But truthfully, it's the small moments that are the most important. It's the small moments I'll never forget.