Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Your world is a precious jewel that needs to be cherished. Your species (humans) are a crucial part of many other species (your DNA is key in many ways). You are a very important piece to this giant puzzle within existence. Remember this, your world is pressed down by the few who are in 'control'. Not in control of YOU but in the system that effects you. When you wake up in the morning you have a choice, don't you? You can either eat a donut or you can juice fresh fruits and veggies for breakfast. You work for a job that you dislike but pays the bills. When you come home from work you grab a beer/junk food, sit and watch TV. Or do you spend quality time learning how to build a better income doing something you like. When you are low on money but have credit cards and you find yourself at the mall. Do you buy things on credit knowing that you shouldn't? Or do you not? These few examples are all gimmicks that causes the system to effect you. You have a choice. You can either continue feeing the system and lose control of your 'free will' or you acknowledge the fact that your choices have been unknowingly directed towards feeding the system, therefor you can now stop 'feeding the system' and make choices that nourishes 'you'. The system will always 'be'. It may change in colors, shapes and sizes but 'it' will never due to the fantasy of power. Only 'you' can change. Your energy is more important then anything. Earths vibrations is simple.. it is you.. bonded with you (humans). It has taken trials and errors and many life times of brining and putting many different life forms on this world for this beautiful moment today.. so acknowledge that. You have everything that you need to evolve. Appreciate and enjoy the incredible things that have been accomplished thus far (together as one) the ego travels deeper then just (you). It can effect cities, states, countries, worlds, etc.. that's how massive 'it' is. Don't live the life of blame for this the perfect 'time'. 

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